Kiribane Photography

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Heartbeats of Quiapo

If you've ever roamed the bustling streets of Manila, you'll understand why the city is a photographer's paradise. The vibrant culture, rich history, and human tapestry offer endless possibilities for compelling storytelling. Recently, I created the film, "Heartbeats of Quiapo: Market and Faith," and it's an example of how to capture the pulse of a place through street photography and videography.

"Heartbeats of Quiapo" is a visual feast that shows the bustling Quiapo Market and the serene Black Nazarene Church. Filmed on the timeless 16mm film format alike, this short documentary shines a spotlight on the delicate balance of everyday commerce and spirituality in Manila's heart.

The film juxtaposes the chaotic energy of vendors selling everything from fresh produce to intricate crafts against the divine serenity that envelopes you as you step into the Black Nazarene Church. The film is narrated to guide the viewer through Quiapo's unique ecosystem.

Tips for Street Photography

The film serves as a lesson in capturing the essence of a place through the camera lens. Here are some tips inspired by the film that can help you better your street photography:

1. Use the Right Equipment

Although DSLRs offer more options, sometimes a simpler camera like a rangefinder or a smartphone can be less intrusive. The use of 16mm in the Quiapo film adds a layer of authenticity and grit, emphasizing the rawness of the location.

2. Know Your Subject

Whether it’s a marketplace in Manila or the streets of New York, understand the place you’re capturing. This will not only help you anticipate shots but also add depth to your storytelling.

3. Master the Art of Candid Shots

"Heartbeats of Quiapo" excels in showing real interactions among people. Sometimes, you only get one chance for the perfect candid shot; be ready to seize it.

4. Play with Lighting

Whether it's the golden hour or the gritty streetlights, lighting can significantly impact your photos. In Quiapo, the contrasting lighting between the market and church adds drama and depth.

5. Mind Your Composition

An effective composition is key to turning a good shot into a great one. Use techniques like the Rule of Thirds or leading lines to draw the viewer’s eye to your subject.

6. Get Close but Respect Personal Space

Street photography often requires you to get close to your subjects to capture emotion, but always be respectful and maintain a comfortable distance.

7. Edit Thoughtfully

Subtle post-processing can bring out the best in your photos. However, don’t overdo it; the aim is to capture reality, not create a fantasy.

8. Tell a Story

Above all, your images should tell a story. A sequence of shots or even a single compelling photo can convey emotion, hint at a narrative, or encapsulate an entire culture, much like "Heartbeats of Quiapo" does so effectively.


Capturing the essence of a bustling marketplace and a sacred place of worship is no small feat, but "Heartbeats of Quiapo: Market and Faith" manages to do this beautifully. It serves as a compelling example for aspiring street photographers, showing how to balance elements like subject, lighting, and composition to tell a deeper story.

As you venture into the streets with your camera, keep these tips in mind. The world is full of stories just waiting to be captured; you just have to be ready to tell them.